Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Cultural Behavior of the Different People

Question: Analyze the cultural behavior of the different people in the world? Answer: In this report, we analyze the cultural behavior of the different people in the world: 1) Asian Culture: The cultural behaviors noticed are women they do not shake hands with the opposite or same gender, a greeting that is traditional is by joining the hands above the chest with bending a little forward, it is in appropriate to touch strangers, it is thought to get rid of evil when one touches someones head 2. 2) Black Americans: The black Americans while talking they look at someone while listening they look away. When there is an eye contact for a considerable amount of time, then it is called staring . The distance between the two bodies is close when they are both blacks and moves away when talking with whites. 3) Latinos: They touch while they are speaking; in an introductory meeting they shake hands, kisses on the cheek. A continuous staring of the eyes is considered disrespectful. Elder people are respected. 4) Australians: The Australian they place high value to relationships. They are not very formal generally in their meetings. They like to call people by their initial names 1 . They exchange gifts among the family members and neighbors during Christmas or birthdays. 5) South Africans: There is a variety of greeting style in the country that depends on the ethnicity. A dealing with a foreigner is done by maintaining eye contact and a smile in the face. The women prefer to nod their heads and do not like shaking hands. When a man knows a woman well, then he can kiss the women on the cheek. References 1. Katz S, Weaver W.Encyclopedia Of Food And Culture. New York: Scribner; 2003. 2. Seyschab C, Sievers A, Szynkiewicz S.Society, Culture, And Patterns Of Behaviour. Unkel/Rhein: Horlemann; 1990.

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